Pest information

Pest Information: Insects, Rodents, Pigeons and More

Maritime Pest Control Inc. has tackled a huge variety of pests, including insects, pigeons and rodents. Our owner Kevin Chisholm is certified through Purdue University, and with over 30 years of experience, we have gotten to know Edmonton’s most pernicious pests. Below, find more information about some common pests that we have dealt with from properties in and around Edmonton, and contact us for a free consultation.

Some of the pests that we’ve dealt with include:



Ant colonies are adaptive and very difficult to eliminate completely. Many ant control methods involve blocking or redirecting their movement rather than entirely destroying a colony.


Some of the telltale signs of bedbugs include bug feces stains on bedding and patterns of three bites that can cause itching and swelling. They can crawl inside of mattresses or furniture and can be stubbornly difficult to eliminate without professional help.


Beetles often invade stored food products in homes, bakeries, and warehouses. They like eating grains, cereals, flour, nuts and other dried foods, and can sometimes be avoided with glass or plastic sealing. They can also damage clothing, carpets, furniture, furs and fabrics.


Homes offer food, water, warmth and nesting sites, making them a perfect breeding ground for cockroaches, which can enter via many different means. They’re active all year round and reproduce quickly. If you’ve seen one cockroach, chances are good that there are many more hiding. Without professional intervention, getting rid of them can be nearly impossible.


Fleas are tiny blood-sucking parasites that frequently live on dogs, chickens, rabbits, rats and mice. They can settle in carpets and furniture and bite humans, causing itching and allergic reactions.

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are so named because they are attracted by rotting food. Not only do they like fruit, they are attracted to items where rotting material can be found, like dirty dishes, sponges or mops. When rotting materials are identified and disposed of, typically in kitchens or bathrooms, the fruit flies will also disappear.


Hornets can be very venomous, and the hazardousness of their painful stings varies between species.


Moths are closely related to butterflies. Some breeds of moth are notorious for having larvae that feed on fabrics like clothes and blankets.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps get their name from the brown papery nests that they build using plants and wood. Also called umbrella wasps, some people are seriously allergic to their stings.


Some arachnids like moisture and settle in damp areas like basements and crawlspaces. Others prefer dry, warm areas like attics, corners and air vents. Few species are harmful to humans, but many people are very afraid of spiders and want them eliminated.


Wasps’ nests start off about the size of a walnut, but they grow with the addition of more workers and can cause very painful sting to perceived threats (such as humans).

Pharaoh Ants

The pharaoh ant is a small yellow or light brown, almost transparent ant notorious for being a major indoor nuisance pest, especially in hospitals. The pharaoh ant, whose origins are unknown, has now been introduced to virtually every area of the world.

Pigeons and Rodents


Mice can transmit serious diseases, carry harmful parasites (fleas, lice, ticks, etc.) and reproduce very quickly. They will contaminate food, colonize your home, and are difficult to catch since they are wary of traps.


Birds can lead to contaminated products, lost business and unsightly/expensive damage to building exteriors. They can also harbour diseases, while droppings lead to unsanitary conditions that harm the exterior of your building. Maritime Pest Control Inc. can customize a program using habitat modification in order to deter birds from landing on your property.


A sign of a vole infestation is when the bark is removed from around the base of a tree. You may also notice dead strips through matted grass, which lead to underground burrows.

Pests, Nests and the Rest

We’ve handled pest problems since 1980, including bed bugs, cockroaches, pigeons and more.

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